Registrile esitatud kandeavalduse parandamine
Subject: Clarification Request Regarding Procedural Ruling - Määrus Number Ä 50266242 / M1 Dear Tartu County Court Registration Department, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing in response to the procedural ruling Määrus Number Ä 50266242 / M1, issued on 10 October 2024 by Court Clerk , concerning my application for registration as a sole proprietor (FIE). I acknowledge the receipt of the ruling and the instructions provided. The ruling mentions the following point regarding the registration request: • The application includes a request stating that my seasonal activity occurs from 01.01 to 31.12, which corresponds to the full calendar year. I have been advised to either: o Remove this request from the application (if it was included in error), or o Verify and correct the period if necessary. I would like to confirm that the inclusion of the period 01.01 to 31.12 was an error. My intent was to indicate a specific seasonal activity period, which does not correspond to the full calendar year. Therefore, I kindly request assistance in updating the application as follows: • Seasonal activity period: The corrected dates are 01 January to 30 November. Please let me know if any additional documents or actions are required from my side to proceed with this correction. I aim to comply with the court’s ruling within the given 7-day deadline. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your guidance in ensuring that the registration process is completed smoothly.
Kui olete registrile esitanud avalduse, kuid avastate koheselt, enne kui registripidaja jõuab muudatused registrisse kanda, et soovite avalduse andmeid muuta/täiendada, või olete registripidajalt saanud määruse puuduste kõrvaldamiseks, siis saate seda teha, kui avate e-äriregistris "Minu töölaud" sealt liigute edasi vastava juriidilise isiku vaatesse ning seal vasakmenüüst valite avalduste vaate ning avate varem esitatud menetluses oleva avalduse. Täpsemad juhised inglise keeles leiate